

2023年4月10日,在半岛电视台英语频道的一档节目《内幕报道》(Inside Story)中,主持人邀请了全球化智库(CCG)副主任高志凯、迈阿密大学政治学教授金德芳(June Teufel Dreyer)等嘉宾,就“台湾的未来何在”为主题开展讨论。








“First of all, I hope the panelists would study history, because the United States has been talking about the world order since the end of the Second World War. The status of Taiwan, among other things, traces all the way back to the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation.”



“Secondly, I cannot say I love California so much and Silicon Valley so much so I want to supply arms to the Californians to urge their independence from the union. How can anyone say I love Taiwan so much, semiconductors are so important, so let’s treat Taiwan as a separate independent sovereign country?”





“That’s for sure, but you cannot say this territory is so strategically important that it should not be Chinese territory.”



“Now, talking about what will happen, each time the United States violates the one-China policy, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last year in August, then China will be fully justified to move one step closer to exercising real administration of the island of Taiwan eventually in all respects. This is irreversible.”


“Each violation, each provocation will result in consequences that the United States will not be able to bear, because the United States will not send its soldiers to fight for the separatism and independence of Taiwan, because the United States ever since 1979 has legally and internationally acknowledged that there is only one China and Taiwan is part of China.”


然而,金德芳(June Teufel Dreyer)却狡辩美国并没有同意一个中国原则,而只是承认了中国政府立场的存在,高志凯错误解读了美国的政策。



“The US position is a trilogy. It’s based on 3 basic principles. One is that there is only one China. Second, Taiwan is part of China. And the third point, which is equally important, that the United States acknowledges that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate representative of China. That’s all.”


“And I don’t think June or people like her do not know how to read English. At least she knows how to read English. So read the 3 communiques, which form the basis of China-US relations.”





